Note: Game updates will make a mess of things, so if you want to stay on the same version, you should make a copy of the files so you don't have to download them again after Steam's done trying to update. Follow for more. Like what I do? Dr Inconsiderate 21 Oct pm. Just tried this and it does not work.
I keep getting an error that it wont start. Trying to roll back Valheim, the depot it downloads is the latest one, not the one I'm telling it to download.
CPY 28 Sep am. It's no longer working for me in non bet version :. Agret 27 Sep pm. We soon won't be able to download old versions of games anymore, either using Steam client or depotdownloader tool. Aquafawks 27 Sep pm. Anyone that can't get this to work just isn't following the directions. Crazyscholar98 9 Jul pm. Share to your Steam activity feed.
You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Sign In Create an Account Cancel. Now it's time to downgrade or change the version of the game. But before you do anything, make sure that backup your game in case something goes wrong or you need it one day.
I recommend you to do it either through Steam by right-clicking the game in the library and selecting properties and then navigating to the Local Files and clicking to the "Backup game files Then exit from Steam. In the "depots" folder and folders with your Depot ID numbers, you will see folders named ". DepotDownloader", just ignore or delete them. All you need to do is to replace the game files with the Manifests that you downloaded.
But, keep in mind that you should copy and replace every folder and file to the exact right place and with its exact pair otherwise you corrupt the integrity of the game. After that, relaunch Steam and you should be able to play the version of the game you wanted.
I also recommend you to backup this "out-of-date" version of the game before an update would make a mess of things. Or you can also prevent Steam from updating your game by following the steps mentioned in this detailed guide. Feel free to leave any kind of comment.
Wooden Spirit [author] 17 Nov am. Bluecams can you try again with the latest version of the depot downloader? Professional Cuckold thanks for the heads up. I updated the guide with latest version of the depot downloader 2. Bluecams 15 Nov am. Can someone help me?? I did everything correctly I think until opening cmd. Because I can't recall ever doing that myself. Originally posted by Aerix "the Twilight" Spades :. Originally posted by Ogami :. Is there a way for me to find the version no.
Last edited by Ogami ; 13 Jul, am. Mine says 4. I see the problem! The older version checks for updates 'after' I logged in. The newer versions do it beforehand. Per page: 15 30 You can click highlighted items to read patchnotes. Now that we are in the Steam Console, we can start the download of the version you have chosen.
Below is an example for version 1. Now that the download is complete, perform the following: Copy the resulting path you got in the console and paste it into the Windows Explorer's address bar example above.
Go up the directory tree, back to steamapps. Your mods will be removed and can be reinstalled later, but this should prevent obscure issues from occurring. Now paste the downloaded files into the Beat Saber directory, accepting the overwrite prompt. You have now downgraded the game. If you had mods for older versions, and you have a renamed folder with them e.
Alternatively, just open your mod manager and select the version you've downgraded to, downloading and installing your mods again. Thanks to ioncodes and fifty-six for SteamManifestFixer, which provides a solution similar to the Cheat Engine solution I posted in comments, but all done automatically.
The "Play" button does not work after downgrading. Note that the Group is not associated with this Steam Guide in any way. Be sure to read their rules very carefully! StepS [author] 7 Oct pm. The request key rotation system is real, it just hasn't been made mandatory yet. Once the update is pushed to live, they can pull the trigger on the legacy download system stopping working.
That said, they seem to have stated that blocking older downloads is not planned which contradicts what SteamDB has observed. The notice will be kept up for a while after the full update's release so that people can make a good decision if the worst case scenario happens.
Peel 7 Oct am. Dear Sirs at Valve please not! Do the needful!