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Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. It appears your browser does not have it turned on. Please see your browser settings for this feature. EMBED for wordpress. The short version is perfect for taking into class with you.
Each yoga lesson plan you create within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner comes with a long version of the lesson plan. The long version has everything you need to practice the lesson plan before getting to class. You can take it to class with you but you may prefer to take the short version. The long version is a great handout to give to your students, especially your one-to-one students.
It immediately shows your professionalism, and increases your expertise in the eyes of your students. Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 1 Stream. Each yoga lesson plan you create within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner comes with a video stream version of the lesson plan. Below are the rest of the free downloadable Yoga lesson plans for the 6 week Hatha Yoga course….
Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 2 Stream. Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 3 Stream. Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 4 Stream. Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 5 Stream.
Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 6 Stream. If you like the idea of creating Yoga lesson plans quickly and easily, take a free trial of the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner today. Create yoga lesson plans quickly and easily.