Use the following command to open the config file in gedit. I've highlighted the sections you need to look for in the red boxes. Interestingly, you'll see the s driver will work for the sM but the s driver won't work for the si, so make sure you use the correct driver for your device.
Go ahead and reboot your computer now. Once you've done that, log back in and return here to follow the next steps. Nothing will happen for a few seconds, that's normal. After a short time you should hear the scanner spool up and the light will turn solid blue. Once that's happened the terminal should return something like:. Now open up your scanner application, Ubuntu uses Simple Scan by default. You can find it by clicking the Dash button top of the launcher bar and simply typing 'Simple Scan', then hitting the enter key.
It's the button on the top menu bar, you can't miss it! If you need duplex scanning, try gscan2pdf. You can search for it and install it on the Ubuntu software centre or in the Debian repos. Other distros probably have it in their repos too. Using gscan2pdf offers way more control and I get perfect duplex double sided scanning every time. If this happens, you might need to just update the permissions on the scanners' group. Have a look at this post for info on how to do that.
If you run into a problem make sure you recheck all the steps, try rebooting the computer again and try reconnecting the scanner. I can't promise to help much but if you post in the comments here I'll do my best. We hope you find the information helpful and the steps easy to use. In case you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments box below.
Sign me up for the newsletter! Published Date : Aug 04, Category : Driver Updater Windows. Table of Contents show. Monil is a professional writer whose forte is absorbing a lot of data and help large technical organizations convey their message clearly across multiple products. An engineer by qualification, his affinity for design enables him to write to inspire, energize, and influence various audiences to uncover their true potential. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
You should attach the URL of this article so they can help you better. So please proceed at your own peril. Camilla Mo 7 days ago. By Enya Zhang. NET Framework 3. In order to use Scan to Google Drive, you need to install the. NET Framework 4 or an inplace-upgrade.
Be sure to update the OS by Windows Update after installing either. NET Framework.