Minecraft 0.0.12a download

Uploaded by MethodGaming69 on September 19, Internet Archive's 25th Anniversary Logo. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. RV-Pre1 3D Shareware v1. Classic Version history Early Classic 0. Indev Version history 0.

Alpha Version history v1. Beta Version history Development versions 1. Full Release Version history Development versions 1. Cancel Save. Fan Feed 1 Java Edition 1. Universal Conquest Wiki. Pre-Classic Version history. Beta 1. Minecraft Pre 0. Here are all of the version for the Minecraft Pre-Classic Please read the following rules before posting a download request in this I want pre 0. Here are all of the version for the Minecraft Pre Classic Versions!

Published on June 5th, The pre-reupload version of this version is currently missing. This version has been reuploaded at one point in time. However, over the years, Mojang the company that owns Minecraft has lost many versions of Minecraft from their databases for unknown reasons. The last three phases are mostly available in the launcher with one or two missing versions, but the first three are a different story.

For one reason or another, most versions from these phases of Minecraft's development are no longer available to play. The following is a list of the missing versions, sorted by development phase:. This section is a work-in-progress and is not complete.


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