Compensation: Steps in determining compensation, job evaluation, components of pay structure, factors influencing compensation levels, Trends in Compensation; Incentives: Importance and types; Benefits-Types, Brief introduction to social security, health, retirement, and other benefits. Industrial Relations: Introduction to Industrial Relations; Trade unions role, types, functions, problems; Industrial disputes- concept, causes and machinery for settlement of disputes; Employee Grievances- concept, causes, and grievance redressal procedure; Discipline-concept, aspects of discipline and disciplinary procedure; Collective bargaining- concept, types, process, problems, essentials of effective collective bargaining.
Human Resource Management Notes Source: uou. Human Resource Management Notes Source: vssdcollege. Virtual Teams — Teams that do not meet face-to-face. Although it is cheaper to maintain a virtual team, there are many disadvantages, such as miscommunication and feeling of isolation. Halo effect — The tendency to rate team members high or low on all factors due to the impression of a high or low rating on some specific factor. Develop Team is the process of improving the skills set of team members and the overall team environment.
The key benefit of this process is that it improves the team work, increases competencies, motivates employees, and reduces turnover.
Interpersonal skills — interpersonal skills are soft skills that allow you to interact with others more effectively. These skills include emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and negotiation. Team building activities — team building activities bring the team together and enhance project performance includes off-site activities.
Ground rules — Ground rules provide the structure and expectations for the team to follow during the project. War room — team room where all team members gather; central location for project coordination. Rewards and recognition — To promote and reinforce desired behavior while on the project. Team performance assessments — These assessments are meant to evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of the team. These stages are:. Issue logs — document who is responsible for resolving specific issues by a target date.
It provides information relating to activities and duties to be performed in a job. It differentiate one job from another by introducing unique characteristics of each job. Job Specification It includes the information relating to the requirements of skills and abilities to perform a specific task.
The job specification statement identifies the knowledge, skills, abilities needed to perform that task effectively. Job Evaluation Job analysis also provides required information which are necessary for evaluating the worthiness of jobs. After the preparation of job description and job specification statements, it assists for the evaluation of actual performance against the predetermined standard. Job evaluation is the rating of job in an organization which attempts to compare the relative intrinsic value of each job and forms a job hierarchy.
Job specification is prepared along with job description statement to explain the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform the task effectively. It specifies the physical, psychological, personal, social and behavioural characteristics of each job-holder.
Recruitment is a process of identifying and preparing potential candidates to fill the application form. Recruitment may be defined as a process of bringing right people for right position, at the right time to perform organizational activities in order to achieve the objectives. Communicating The Information The potential candidates are informed about vacancy announcement. Receiving Application Recruitment process ends receiving the application forms dropped by different applicants who are interested to apply for a job.
It provides a pool of candidates for selection. Internal Sources And Methods Of Recruitment Internal sources refer to recruiting employees from within the organization. Promotions It refers to promoting or upgrading an employee who is already existed in the pay roll and contributed for organizational performance. Transfers Under it, employees are internally recruited through transfer from one work place to another. Recalling of laid-off employees.
Methods Of External Recruitment External recruitment is concerned with generating a pool of qualified candidates from outside of the organisation. Direct Recruitment Direct recruitment refers to a process of recruiting qualified candidates from external sources by placing a notice of vacancy in an organization's notice board.
Casual Callers This method of recruitment is concerned with using previously applied candidates as a source of recruitment. Advertising Advertising is one of the most common and popular methods of external recruitment under which the job vacancy is announced through different print and electronic media 4.
Employment Agencies Employment agencies run by private, public or government sectors are regarded as an important source of recruitment for unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled jobs.
Schools, Colleges And Universities It is also known as campus recruitment. Under this method of external recruitment, educational institutions such as schools, colleges and universities offer opportunities for recruiting fresh candidates.
Labour Contractors Labour contractors are an important source of recruitment under which workers are recruited through contractors. Recommendations Under this method of external recruitment, applicants are introduced by friends and relatives.
Advantages Of External Recruitment 1. Wider Choice 2. Qualified Personnel 3. Fresh Talent 4. Competitive Spirit 5. Widens opportunity for all. The process of selection provides an employment opportunity to the persons who possess the abilities and qualifications to perform a specific job. It is used to assess the ability, aptitude and personality of prospective candidates. Selection test is conducted in order to select a right person for the right job who will be capable of performing organizational activities if hired.
Types Of Selection Tests 1. Intelligence Test Intelligence test is used to judge the mental ability of the candidates 2. Aptitude Test It measures the probability of performing the job in terms of how often and how well. Personality Test It is the measurement of personal characteristics of the candidates.
It is also known as personality inventory. Interest Test The personal interests such as like and dislikes are identified by interest test. Situational Test It evaluates whether a particular candidate can perform the job in a given situation. Honesty Test Honesty test measures to what extent the information provided by the prospective candidates is accurate. Interview is a procedure designed to obtain information through the exchange of ideas and the answering of queries. It attempts to secure maximum amount of information that cannot be obtained from other methods Steps Involved For Conducting Interview Or Interview Process Preparation Under this an interview schedule or plan for the interview is prepared.
Conducting The prepared plans and actions are implemented which is called conduction of the interview. Evaluation In this the information received from the interviewee or candidate is evaluated. Types Of Interview A.