Another way is to check the most popular torrent files at any given moment, accessible from the 'Top 10' menu item. After all, this is one of the most popular websites of its kind, being available for many years now. With that said, you can already imagine the size of its library, which also includes plenty of software-related P2P files. The Pirate Bay is still a viable option if you want to download the latest software, keeping up with an ever-growing selection of applications and games.
And since this website has stepped up its effort of offering verified torrents only, this reduces your chances of encountering malware. With that said, we highly recommend you try it out. MagnetDL is a very interesting example of a torrent site in service of its users. That's because MagnetDL comes free of ads, which has become quite challenging to find these days.
And then, it comes with a highly effective interface, showing you plenty of information before you start downloading any of its files. First of all, it shows you if you can trust the uploader. And since it offers magnet links, you can expect its "healthy" files to download quickly. You already know how challenging it can be to find reliable and safe torrent files. Unlike any other similar site, this one is dedicated to screening its torrent uploads, minimizing your chances of finding malware.
With that said, even though TorLock might not be the most-visited torrent site right now, we highly recommend trying it out. That means you'll need to search for software files manually and then filter them based on your search criteria. So, it is a pretty old method of finding files, but a highly reliable one as well. TorrentGalaxy became a highly useful source of both popular and obscure files during the last couple of years.
This used to be a movies-first torrent site, which is still evident by its heavy focus on movies and TV shows. However, this is one of the best torrent sites for software as well, especially if you're not afraid to do some manual search. Even though TorrentGalaxy doesn't have a dedicated software section, its filtering options will help you find exactly what you're searching for.
So, start by using its search functionality and then filter the results by type, name, uploader, size, health, or date. This should help you narrow down your search in a big way and pinpoint files that are easy to download. LimeTorrents used to be one of the earliest torrent repositories to have reached worldwide popularity.
However, even though the site isn't as popular as it used to be, you can still rely on it to download any P2P file. That also applies to software-related torrents, as LimeTorrents has close to one million available files. However, you can also check the latest torrents, the most popular ones, and you can filter torrents in other ways. And finally, know that LimeTorrents will give you all the info you need to find healthy torrents that are malware-free and quick to download.
The new KickassTorrents has any type of application available, and it offers software for any desktop or mobile platform. So, using this website is effective and without unneeded distractions aside from its ads, of course. TorrentDownloads comes with a generic name, which also applies to other aspects of its concept.
There's really nothing that stands out when it comes to this website except for one thing. And yes, that would be its library of P2P files, where you'll find any imaginable file, which includes software as well.
Before you dive into endless lists of torrent files, you can check individual software-related categories. We end our list of the best torrent sites for software with Torrends, which is actually a P2P search engine.
This is one of the most effective and wide-reaching search engines, indexing more than sites. Torrends isn't perfect and can be somewhat confusing until you learn its ropes. Still, taking your time to inspect its features will most certainly pay off. However, we need to warn you to be careful about which torrent sites you visit, as there could be some less-than-honest websites among those that Torrends indexes.
Why not continue your search? There are hundreds of torrent sites out there, so feel free to explore what else is on offer. With that said, your next Web destination could be our guide to the best torrent sites overall. And if you need something a bit different, check out these best torrent search engines. Those would be the 10 best torrent sites for software in If you have anything to add, make sure to post your comment just below. And lastly, thank you for reading! Add a Comment. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.
Clear search input Search. Best Picks. By Novak Bozovic. June 29, TechNadu does not condone illegal file-sharing or copyright infringement.
Even though P2P file-sharing technology is legal, many of the files exchanged via P2P are indeed copyrighted. Uploading these copyrighted files can put you at risk of a civil lawsuit. While these lawsuits are often class-action cases, some have been targeted at individual users in an attempt to make an example of them. A VPN will prevent your Internet provider from tracking your online activity. A VPN will unblock any website, including torrent repositories. This is especially important in countries where torrent sites are taken down regularly.
Using a VPN, you can connect to a server in a different country and unblock what was previously inaccessible. A VPN will unleash the full power of your Web connection. A VPN is an all-in-one solution! A VPN is the best and the most effective way to protect your torrenting. Scroll to the left Scroll to the right. Although not popular, Limetorrents is still one of the best torrent websites on the list. The site is known for its attractive user-interface and its huge collection of torrent content.
It is a relatively new website on the list, known for its vast collection of torrent content. Guess what? The owner of TorLock claims that it only has verified torrent that means the torrents were first verified then published. Apart from that, it was the user interface that makes TorLock stand out from the crowd.
If you are looking for torrent content with an excellent user interface, then IsoHunt might be the best pick for you. Isohunt is one of the leading torrent websites that you can visit right now. The torrent site is known for its extensive collection of torrent content, and users can find almost everything from IsoHunt. Yes, the site has a considerable amount of software and games. Well, X is another excellent torrent site on the list, which remains unaffected by the torrent mass ban.
The user interface of X is also clean and well organized, and it lists the popular torrent content right on the homepage itself. If you are searching for a working torrent site with a massive collection of software, TorrentHound might be the best pick for you. TorrentHound is one of the popular software torrent sites that every Windows user would love to visit.
You can find lots of freeware and premium software on TorrentHound. As the name of the site says, TorrentDownloads is a site that is meant for massive downloads. The site focuses on software and games. Not just that, but TorrentDownloads also has a game section for game torrents as well. It is a french torrent site on the list, which is very popular amongst all torrent users. The great thing about Torrent9 is its interface, which looks clean and well organized.
If we talk about the torrent content, Torrent9 has a massive database of software, music, games, etc. The torrent files hosted in Torrent9 are usually of high-quality and will provide good downloading speed.
It is one of the best and leading torrent sites on the list, which can be visited to download software.